Sunday, January 25, 2009

Swansea Life

So I guess I am bad at keeping up with my So I will try my best to at blog at least once a week. I have been having a great time so far in my new country! My room is finally put together, and I can get around by myself if needed. I also learned that going out 3 times a week is not something I am used to. I think I will stick to once or twice from now on. I really did enjoy pubgolfing, though. Pub golf consists of dressing up in golf like attire (argyle knee highs, plaid patterns, etc.) and going out to different bars and drinking holes (drinks). I didn't participate in the drinking part, because I was tired from the night before but I still had a blast dancing and seeing new venues.
The nightlife in Swansea is pretty amazing!
So no mobile phone as of yet, but I am looking forward to getting one tomorrow. Something interesting: in Britain it doesn't cost to receive texts or calls. I wish it was like that in America. I always hated that I got charged 10 cents for a stupid forward I didn't even want in the first place. Oh and I sorted out my schedule for my classes and I have no classes on Mondays! Also, my earliest class is at 10AM. I am super happy with my classes as well. I am taking The Biological Basis of Behavior, The Psychology of Early Childhood, Optics and Waves, and Roman Archeaology. I am a little nervous about the classes here, because grades are based on one exam and one essay in most cases. It is not like America, where there are several different assignments and at least two exams. Its good that I don't have to be stressed out as much during the semester, but I usually like to know where I stand grade-wise.
Well I guess I will find out what to expect on Tuesday. I will try to update soon!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

I am here!!!

I'm not even going to talk about getting to Swansea cause it was literally hell lol. All I will say is luggage is not fun. Well, characteristic of Wales weather I was greeted by rainfall. I got picked up at the train station and within minutes had managed to already do something crazy. Being used to the passenger side being on the right side of the car, I tried to get in on that side and Tom said, "I have to drive". I felt really silly, but it was pretty funny. From there, I went to the student village and met my flatmates. I am in a flat with three boys and 1 girl. Everyone in the house came out to greet me and invited me to go out with them. I felt really welcome, and I went out with them even though I was 6 hours jetlagged. The club we went to was called Play; it was student night so it was super crowded but really fun as well.

Today I went shopping and had to lug my groceries and other stuff across town. Not fun. I think I am going to get my groceries delivered from now on. Too bad we don't have that option in America. Another thing I love about the UK: PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. I can now get anywhere in town I need to go without having to hitch a ride with someone!! The independence is amazing.

On another note, I miss everyone from home a whole lot. Its strange, because I have never had a problem being away from home but now I am so far away that it feels worse than usual. At least before I knew I could be home if I needed or desired to be. Going without communication and not having a cell phone is very strange. Tomorrow or soon I should be getting a mobile phone so I have a way to call home, but for now I am relying on email and chat. Well, I have my orientation tomorrow so maybe I will get my schedule and stuff! Yay! Well I will be back tomorrow!
For Austin: I love you!
For Sarah: I love you too prom date!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Leaving Tomorrow!

So after packing my bags, and repacking and repacking yet again I have managed to fit a semester's worth of stuff in only two suitcases. Needless to say, I am very proud of myself!
Now for the actual travel part. I am excited about going to Wales, but not overly excited about getting there. Approx. 16 hours of travel (especially alone) is not something I am looking forward to. Not only that, but I am really going to miss everyone! I am excited that I will be picked up at the train station by some Swansea students. At least I will know a few people!

I have never been out of the country, so this is bound to be the experience of a lifetime. I just hope that this semester lives up to that. My New Year's resolution is to come back home with a slight British accent (lol) and hopefully a different perspective. After my two flights and train ride to get to Swansea, I will make sure to write about what I have experienced so far and hopefully put up some pictures of my flat and stuff!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Post

I decided to start a blog to write about my experiences while I am abroad. I am flying out January 20th, only two more weeks! I am nervous and excited, and can't wait to start this adventure!